Light Pinkish-Orange and Green Color Scheme
These are hexadecimal color codes, which represent specific colors in the RGB color space.
Here are the corresponding RGB values for each of the codes:
- #2b502f: This is a dark green color, with RGB values of (43, 80, 47).
- #5e8e44: This is a yellowish-green color, with RGB values of (94, 142, 68).
- #f0cfa8: This is a light beige color, with RGB values of (240, 207, 168).
- #ebbba7: This is a light pinkish-orange color, with RGB values of (235, 187, 167).
- #ebbba7: This is a light pinkish-orange color, with RGB values of (235, 187, 167).
- #df6442: This is a bright orange-red color, with RGB values of (223, 100, 66).