Ethereal Elegance 30 Special Occasion Makeup Inspirations : Ethereal Charm

26. Ethereal Charm

Embark on the journey of timeless charm with the “Ethereal Charm” bridal look — a vision of softness and radiance that captures the essence of romance. The lips are adorned with a soft nude shade, allowing the bride’s natural beauty to shine through with an understated elegance.

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For the cheeks, envision a glowing flush in light peach, adding a touch of warmth and vitality. This choice imparts a natural radiance that enhances the bride’s features, creating a charming and fresh appeal.

As for the hair, picture it left down in soft waves or loose curls, creating a flowing and romantic frame around the face. Adorned with a veil, the hairstyle becomes a whimsical touch that adds to the ethereal charm of the overall bridal ensemble.

The eyes are kept soft and dreamy, with neutral eyeshadows that enhance without overpowering. Long, fluttery lashes add a touch of romance, framing the eyes with grace.

Complete the look with a touch of blush for a natural flush, and a hint of highlighter to capture the soft glow. “Ethereal Charm” is not just a bridal look; it’s an enchanting celebration of the bride’s natural beauty, creating an atmosphere of timeless charm on her special day.

Beautiful makeup : @rolabaghdadi.   Check out the latest artists featured on @fabmoodclassy‘s Instagram page.


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