2. Moody Colour Palette in Blue Grey and Teal with a touch of salmon pink and emerald green
Blue Grey and Teal Living Room : A beautiful moody living room colour palette with a touch of salmon pink and emerald green that gives you cozy, fresh, inviting and modern.
No matter what shade of colour you choose, the way to make it work is to put your efforts into creating balance. Pick a wall colour that contrasts with your furniture and decor. Balance is very important with dark paint colours. When a room has lots of windows, wide trim and light coloured furniture, a dark colour can be the best idea possible.
Stylish living room furniture
How could you turn down this super soft seat with a stylish fabric and colour, too! We love a sofa to sit and enjoy afternoon tea or curl up in, which is why this holly sofa is exactly what we want for our cozy reading book and enjoy your afternoon tea with your friend and family! This sofa from Sofa.com. Love this sofa? Head over to Sofa.com and search for”Holly” sofa.
Blue Grey and Teal Colour Palette with Emerald Green & Salmon Pink
You may wonder how to make the room feel a little more warm and inviting, or cozy. You want your home to have an atmosphere that is comfortable and welcoming, an almost intimate appeal that feels alluring.
There are several ways you can break up a large space in order to make it feel a bit more personal. The easiest way to break the room up is to group furnishings in different areas, each for a purpose. And consider dark paint, most people avoid using dark coloured paint. However, when you have high ceilings and a very large room, dark paint is the perfect solution. Consider painting the ceiling a dark shade as well to bring it down visually. Boldly patterned wallpaper containing dark shades is an option as well.
Colour Described As Names
blue grey, emerald, salmon pink, teal
Blue Grey, Teal, Emerald & Salmon Pink Colour Hex
Blue Grey, Teal, Emerald & Salmon Pink Gradient Colour Palette
Wall Paint Colour Ideas
1. Contrast
Contrast : Contrast is a stunning, modern inky blue. Contrast can take on a slight teal look in brighter, well lit rooms. However, in larger, darker rooms, Contrast can great a wonderfully dramatic area, whilst still retaining contemporary.
Link : https://www.grahambrown.com/uk/contrast-paint/CT-070-005-master.html
2. Stiffkey Blue
This inky blue is named after the Norfolk beach where the mud, along with the cockles, share a particular deep navy hue. Although traditional in feel, Stiffkey Blue is often used as an alternative to Down Pipe to create a richly dramatic space with a more contemporary finish. When used in well lit areas of the home it will appear much bluer, working wonderfully when contrasted with Ammonite.
link here : https://www.farrow-ball.com/en-gb/paint-colours/stiffkey-blue