10 Best Foods For Keeping Your Lungs Healthy


Healthy lungs lead to a healthy heart and healthy lifestyle. Your lungs perform a wide range of critical functions and should therefore be given utmost attention. Apart from performing the primary function of ensuring that the body gets its supply of oxygen, your lungs also protect your body from infections and pollution. Indoor and outdoor air pollution affects our lungs on a daily basis. It is especially important for people who suffer from lung illnesses such as asthma or emphysema to take care of their lungs. Fortunately, there are several foods that are scientifically proven to keep your lungs in good shape. 10 Best Foods For Keeping Your Lungs Healthy


These orange colored snacks contain vitamin A { cancer fighting } which is important for repairing the lining of the lungs and the windpipe preventing lung infections which can be deadly for children with asthma. They also contain a good amount of vitamin C, an anti-oxidant which also has been linked to better lung function. It helps rid the body of toxins including what the lungs have inhaled throughout the day. Oranges contain iron which transfers oxygen to the bloodstream faster.

Red and orange fruits and vegetables also contain carotenoids which have been known to assist in the prevention of lung cancer. All of these fruits and vegetables can be tossed into a salad for an easy lunch.

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Nothing can live without water in some form or another. Water can help in a variety of ways. Drinking water helps soothe throat irritation and makes it more comfortable to talk, sing, or shout. These activities are vital because they exercise our lungs by pushing air in and out of our bodies at different rates, expanding and retracting our lung muscles and working the diaphragm. When a chest cold comes on, inhaling steam from a hot shower can help break up congestion in the sinuses and lungs, making it easier to breathe. Just drinking more water helps the body recover from illnesses that affect the lungs such as influenza and stops it from becoming pneumonia.

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Whether crispest tangy, Gala apple, Granny Smith and many of them. Apples can be a very fulfilling snack and are tasty on top of that, but there are also many reasons why apples should be added to your diet.  Apples contain nutrients in them that help to prevent asthma or even lung cancer. Vitamin C is a very important vitamin that helps to keep your immune system working properly and keeps you from catching that cold you have been dreading. Apples contain more than 1500 mg of vitamin C. Almost half of the vitamin C content is just beneath the skin. Eating an apple a day will undoubtedly keep the doctor away by boosting your immune system.

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One fruits widely known for its therapeutic properties are apricot. It is rich in essential vitamins like vitamin a, b, b complex and vitamin c. Apricots provide several health benefits and improve overall well being. The anti-asthmatic elements found in apricot help prevents bronchitis and wheezing. Apricots are also known to improve the function of the brain since it contains phosphorus and magnesium. It helps in regulating the blood pressure in the body. For those who have poor eye vision, then apricots would be a good for regular consumption as they can be one natural remedy for eye problems.

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Carrots are one of those super foods that are available almost everywhere but are often overlooked as a super food. Carrots are very rich in Vitamin A and in beta-carotene, which is a very powerful anti-oxidant. Anti-oxidants help protect our bodies from free radical damage. Also Carrots are very rich in many B-complex vitamins. These include folic acid, thiamin and vitamin B-6. They are also a very good source of vitamin C. The B vitamins are known as mood busters and are very good for all things related to the mind, while vitamin C helps fight against heart disease by fighting free radicals. It is also well know to help lessen the effects of a cold.

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One of the cheapest and most variable vegetables is also one of the healthiest. Some experts consider onions a super food. It contains vitamins C, an antioxidant, B, which fights cancer, and queretin which helps prevent lung disease. Almost anything cooked on a stove requires onions for flavoring. They are excellent in stir fry, on top of meat, or deep fried in batter as onion rings.

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Eggs are one of the best sources of protein. When you eat eggs you get essential nutrients in a small package which helps you stay healthy and active. Eggs contain choline. Choline is a nutrient that is very important to the cells, liver , lung and the brain.

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Meat is a great source of high quality protein. Protein is an essential nutrient to every part of the body as it helps rebuild tissue and keep the respiratory muscles going even under distress. White meat such as chicken, turkey, and other small poultry birds can benefit your lungs. These foods are high in lung health boosting vitamin A.

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Fish contains fatty acids that reduce inflammation and healthy fats to maintain good muscle health. Most of meat and fish contain B vitamins which research suggests reduces the risk of lung cancer.

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Dark Leafy Vegetables

Vegetables like kale and broccoli have shown that they can reduce the risk of lung cancer by as much as half. They contain B vitamins like meat and eggs but are also rich in antioxidants which dispel pollution from the body. Out of all the dark green vegetables, broccoli is known to be the most beneficial when it comes to lung function.

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