Exploring the Health Benefits of Wholesome Breakfast Bowls : Sweet and Savory Bagel Duo


3. Sweet and Savory Bagel Duo

Indulge in the delightful contrasts of sweet and savory with this bagel duo, accompanied by a comforting cup of latte, for a breakfast that tantalizes the taste buds and nourishes your body with a variety of essential nutrients. Scroll down for a recipe and nutritious benefits.

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Half a bagel for 2 slices of delicious breakfast.

First Bagel:

  • slice of bagel
  • Chocolate spread
  • Slices of strawberries
  • Blueberries
  • Banana

Second Bagel:

  • slice of bagel
  • Mashed avocado
  • Omelette with onions

Nutritional Benefits:

  1. Complex Carbohydrates:
    • Bagels serve as a good source of complex carbohydrates, providing a sustained release of energy to keep you fueled throughout the morning.
  2. Antioxidant-Rich Fruits:
    • Strawberries, blueberries, and banana contribute antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. These fruits support overall health, boost the immune system, and provide essential nutrients for skin and cellular health.
  3. Healthy Fats:
    • Avocado is rich in monounsaturated fats, promoting heart health and helping with nutrient absorption. It also adds a creamy texture to the savory bagel.
  4. Protein-Packed Omelette:
    • The omelette with onions adds protein, essential for muscle repair and satiety. Onions contribute flavor. Onions are rich in B vitamins, including folate and vitamin B6.
  5. Caffeine Boost:
    • A cup of latte provides a moderate caffeine boost, enhancing alertness and concentration. The milk in the latte also contributes calcium and vitamin D.
  6. Balanced Combination:
    • This breakfast bowl offers a balanced combination of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, making it a satisfying and filling meal.
  7. Dietary Fiber:
    • The combination of fruits and whole-grain bagels contributes dietary fiber, supporting digestive health and helping maintain stable blood sugar levels.

Health Tip:

  • Choose whole-grain bagels for added fiber and nutrients. Additionally, opt for dark chocolate spread to maximize antioxidant benefits.

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