These are hexadecimal color codes, which represent specific colors in the RGB color space.
Here are the corresponding RGB values for each of the codes:
- #5d455f: This is a dark purple color, with RGB values of (93, 69, 95).
- #896f8c: This is a light purple color, with RGB values of (137, 111, 140).
- #a698ae: This is a grayish-purple color, with RGB values of (166, 152, 174).
- #c0b6bf: This is a light purple-gray color, with RGB values of (192, 182, 191).
- #a9a5ba: This is a light purple-gray color, with RGB values of (169, 165, 186).
- #6d7988: This is a blue-gray color, with RGB values of (109, 121, 136).