Blue Green and Pinkish Color Scheme
These are hexadecimal color codes, which represent specific colors in the RGB color space.
Here are the corresponding RGB values for each of the codes:
- #ce6a6c: This is a light pinkish-red color, with RGB values of (206, 106, 108).
- #edada3: This is a light pinkish-orange color, with RGB values of (237, 173, 163).
- #f9c7be: This is a light pinkish-beige color, with RGB values of (249, 199, 190).
- #94c4c1: This is a blue-green color, with RGB values of (148, 196, 193).
- #42899b: This is a blue-green color, with RGB values of (66, 137, 155).
- #28405c: This is a dark blue color, with RGB values of (40, 64, 92).